Thursday, July 14, 2016

Keurig Recap

I've enjoyed being the proud owner of my Keurig Home Brewer.  For 2 months I've tried all different kinds of things in this machine.  Wait a second while I take a sip of my fresh cup of Hot Spiced Cider on this cool, rainy morning.  Yes, just right.  My next thing to try with my Keurig is a Solofill refillable filter cup.  This way I can put most anything in it, my favorite brand of coffee,  loose leaf tea, tea bag, etc.  Just fill it (about 1/2 way, leaving room for expansion) and place it in the same spot you insert the K-cup pod.  Not able to find one in your area?  No problem, you can find it here.  Just scroll down to the Coffee Lovers Collection.

I grow at least 7 different kinds of tea in my garden, plus spices.  So I will have plenty of chances to try out the Solofill refillable filter cup in my machine.

For more information on all things Keurig or to grow your own tea,  refer to my June 2016  blogg articles and the pinterest link for herbs, tea  and 100 pins on the Keurig Brewer.

1 comment:

  1. I've debated getting one, but since I only drink coffee sometimes, I wasn't sure. Having tea would be nice.
